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You can also view these programs on an HD television in full HIGH DEFINITION via the Netflix instant view service. Just add the Vimeo channel and search for “pdxjustice” to find our full Vimeo video selection.
Nobel Prize winning economist, author and lecturer, Joseph Stiglitz, talks about his latest book, The Price of Inequality: How Today’s Divided Society Endangers Our Future. Joseph Stiglitz spoke at the Cedar Hills Crossing Powell’s Bookstore in Beaverton, Oregon, on June 14th, 2012. You can also view the program on YouTube here:
AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO – Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the Youtube server …

Related links
Wholistic Peace Institute of Portland, Oregon
B’Tselem, The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories.
AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the Youtube server …
Author and journalist, Barbara Ehrenreich, talks about her latest book, This Land is Their Land: Reports From a Divided Nation
Contact: pdxjustice@riseup.net Broadcast dates, times, channels: TBA
Related Links:
Barbara Ehrenreich’s webpageThis Land Is Their Land: Reports from a Divided Nation, by Barbara Ehrenreich
Bright-Sided: How the Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking Has Undermined America, by Barbara Ehrenreich
Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America, by Barbara Ehrenreich
Bait and Switch: The (Futile) Pursuit of the American Dream, by Barbara Ehrenreich
Global Woman: Nannies, Maids, and Sex Workers in the New Economy, by Barbara Ehrenreich and Arlie Hochschild
Blood Rites: Origins and History of the Passions of War, by Barbara Ehrenreich
Dancing in the Streets: A History of Collective Joy, by Barbara Ehrenreich
Fear of Falling: The Inner Life of the Middle Class, by Barbara Ehrenreich
The Hearts of Men: American Dreams and the Flight from Commitment, by Barbara Ehrenreich
… and many, many others!
Joel Beinin – Workers’ Struggles in the Arab Spring, Feb. 25, 2012.Professor of Middle East History at Stanford University, Joel Beinin, talks about the history of labor organizing and struggle in Egypt, Tunisia and other countries of the Middle East, and the role labor organizations are playing in the revolutionary events and process known as the Arab Spring. Joel Beinin spoke at the conference, THE ARAB SPRING: A YEAR THAT CHANGED THE WORLD, held at Portland State University on February 25, 2012. The conference was organized by Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights (SUPER).
You can view the program on YouTube by clicking on the image below:
Dalit Baum, Who Profits from the Israeli Occupation? Lessons for the Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions (BDS) Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, April 12, 2012
AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the images of the viewers below and you’ll be transported to the Vimeo home for videos …
You can also view these programs on an HD television in full HIGH DEFINITION via the Netflix instant view service. Just add the Vimeo channel and search for “pdxjustice” to find our full Vimeo video selection.
Israeli feminist scholar, activist and co-founder of Who Profits from the Occupation discusses lessons for the Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions (BDS) campaign to end the Israeli occupation.
You can view the program on YouTube here:
Related Links:
Who Profits from the Occupation?
Noam Chomsky – Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of Human Rights (Parts 1 and 2), Mar. 15, 1989.
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You can also view these programs on your television in full HIGH DEFINITION via the Netflix instant view service. Just add the Vimeo channel and search for “pdxjustice” to find our full Vimeo video selection.
Noam Chomsky explains “the Propaganda Model”, the central theme of his book, co-authored with Edward Herman, Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media. Noam Chomsky spoke at the Wisconsin Union Theater on the Madison campus of the University of Wisconsin on the evening of March 15, 1989. The lecture was sponsored by the Wisconsin Union Directorate’s Distinguished Lecture Series for the 1988-89 academic year.
Related Links:
The Chomsky Archive
She gained prominence during Israel’s invasion of the West Bank, serving as spokesperson for the PLO. Ms Buttu assisted in the litigation of Israel’s wall before the Hague in 2004 – a resounding victory for the Palestinians, and indictment of Israel’s wall. In 2005 she was appointed President Abbas’s communications director. She has since left her official posts. She now resides in Gaza where she is writing a book on the Israeli occupation.
Prior to moving to Palestine in 2000, Ms Buttu also served as legal counsel to the Canadian Department of Justice. She holds law degrees from the University of Toronto and Stanford Law School.
This lecture was presented at the Rachel Corrie Foundation Peace Works Conference on April 22, 2006, in Olympia, Washington (www.rachelcorriefoundation.org). The Israeli journalist and author, Amira Hass, was Ms. Buttu’s co-presenter. This program includes a preview of Ms. Hass’ presentation.
This panel discussion featuring Diana Buttu and Amira Hass was part of the Rachel Corrie Foundation Peace Works Conference, Cultivating a Just and Enduring Peace for the People of Palestine and Israel. For more information about the Peace Works Conference and about the Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice, please visit their website at: www.rachelcorriefoundation.org
As’ad Abu Khalil, The United States and the Arab Revolt, February 25, 2012
Available as streaming video at the YouTube video hosting website. Just click on the image below!
Professor of Political Science, author and lecturer, As’ad Abu Khalil speaking a the conference The Arab Spring: A Year that Changed the World in Portland, Oregon, on February 25th, 2012. The conference was hosted by Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights (SUPER) at Portland State University. To find out more about SUPER and their work, check their facebook page at facebook.com/psuSUPER.
Related Links:
The Angry Arab News Service
Thomas Frank, Pity the Billionaire: The Hardtimes Swindle and the Unlikely Comeback of the Right, January 20, 2012
Available at the YouTube video hosting website (click on image below): >>

Author, columnist and journalist, Thomas Frank, reads from and discusses his latest book, Pity the Billionaire: The Hardtimes Swindle and the Unlikely Comeback of the Right. Thomas Frank spoke at Powell’s City of Books in Portland, Oregon, on January 20, 2012.
Related Links:
Thomas Frank’s webpage
Vermont Workers’ Center, How We Won Healthcare for All., December 17, 2011:
Available as streaming video through the YouTube video hosting website …
Vermont Workers’ Center organizers Mary Gerish, Kate Kanelstein and Sarah Weintraub talk about the Healthcare is a Human Right Campaign and how the campaign succeeded in bringing single payer healthcare to their state. The title of their presentation is: “How We Won Health Care for All.”
Mary Gerish is the chair of the Vermont Workers Center Policy Committee, and was recently elected to the Center’s coordinating committee and has been involved with the Health Care is a Human Right Campaign from the beginning. Kate Kanelstein is a lead organizer with the Vermont Workers Center, joining in 2007 as a student activist as a member of the Student Labor Action Project at the University of Vermont. She’s worked as a project organizer for the United Electrical Workers and has also been working from the beginning as part of the Healthcare Is a Human Right Campaign. Sarah Weintraub is also a staff organizer with the Vermont Workers’ Center. Prior to joining the Center, she worked as an organizer in mobile home parks in rural Vermont. She has also worked throughout Vermont on the Healthcare is a Human Right Campaign and helped initiate the Vermont Workers’ Center Peoples University for Learning and Liberation, a project for building leadership skills and critical analysis through popular and political education.
Related Links:
Vermont Workers’ Center
Zaher Wahab & Matthew Hoh, Wahab & Hoh – How Do We End the War in Afghanistan?, June 29, 2011
This program is available as streaming video through the YouTube video hosting website …
Matthew Hoh is the Director of the Afghanistan Study Group and a former US Marine and State Department employee who resigned in protest of the war in Afghanistan. Zaher Wahab is a Professor of Education at the Lewis & Clark Graduate School of Educaton and Counseling; he was born in Afghanistan and spends four months of each year there training teachers, advising and studying education in the environment of war and occupation. Matthew Hoh and Zaher Wahab spoke in Portland, Oregon, on June 29, 2011. Their speaking tour was organized by Peace Action West. Their Portland talk was co-sponsored by a number of local peace and social justice organizations.
Rami G. Khouri, Diplomatic Stalemate and Democratic Revolts: Making Sense of a Middle East Transition, October 20 2011
This program is available as streaming video through the YouTube video hosting website …
Editor-at-Large of Beirut’s Daily Star newspaper, columnist and journalist, Rami G. Khouri, talks about the uprisings sweeping across the Middle East and the declining role of the United States in the region. This program was sponsored by the Institute for Christian-Muslim Understanding. To find out more about the ICMU, please click on the link below.
Related Links:
Rami G. Khouri’s website
Institute for Christian-Muslim Understanding Facebook page
Susan N. Herman, Taking Liberties: The War on Terror and the Erosion of American Democracy, October 3, 2011
AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube video hosting website …
President of the ACLU, author and Professor of Law, Susan N. Herman, talks about her latest book, Taking Liberties: The War on Terror and the Erosion of American Democracy. Susan N. Herman spoke at Powell’s City of Books in Portland, Oregon, on October 3rd, 2011. To find out more about Susan N. Herman and her work, please visit the American Civil Liberties Union website at aclu.org
Related Links:
American Civil Liberties Union
Frances Moore Lappé, EcoMind: Changing the Way We Think to Create the World We Want, September, 14, 2011
This program is currently available as streaming video through the YouTube video hosting website: >>

Author and global food and democracy activist, Frances Moore Lappé, talks about her latest book, EcoMind: Changing the Way We Think to Create the World We Want. Frances Moore Lappé spoke at Powell’s City of Books in Portland, Oregon, on September 14th, 2011. She is author of the multi-million copy bestseller, Diet for a Small Planet and co-founder of the Small Planet Institute. To find out more about Frances Moore Lappé and her work, please visit the Small Planet Institute website at smallplanetinstitute.org
Related Links:
The Small Planet Institute: The online home of Anna Lappé, Frances Moore Lappé and the Small Planet Institute
Joel Beinin, Joint Palestinian-Israeli Popular Struggle: The Face of a Future of Peace and Equality, June 4, 2011
This program is currently available as streaming video through the YouTube video hosting website: >>

Stanford University of Middle East History, Joel Beinin, talks about the direct action movement, involving Palestinians working alongside Israeli and international solidarity activists, challenging the Israeli occupation throughout the West Bank.
Related Links:
Joel Beinin’s webpage (Stanford University)
Ta’ayush Arab Jewish Partnership
Antonia Juhasz, Black Tide: The Devastating Impact of the Gulf Oil Spill, April 25th, 2011 This program is currently available as streaming video through the YouTube video hosting website: >>

Author and journalist, Antonia Juhasz, talks about her latest book, Black Tide: The Devastating Impact of the Gulf Oil Spill..
Related Links:
The Tyranny of Oil, Antonia Juhasz’ website.
Noam Chomsky, Global Hegemony: the Facts, the Images, April 20, 2011
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Renowned linguist, author, and dissident intellectual, Noam Chomsky, talks about the current state of the economy, the assault on social welfare programs and the prospects for resistance and hope in the years ahead. Noam Chomsky spoke at the University of Oregon campus in Eugene, Oregon, on April 20, 2011.
Related Links:
The Noam Chomsky website
Noam Chomsky, Prospects for Peace in the Middle East, April 20, 2011
NOW AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the Youtube home for videos …

Renowned linguist, author and dissident intellectual, Noam Chomsky, talks about current transformations taking place in the Middle East, the response by the United States, and the prospects for a just peace in Palestine-Israel. Noam Chomsky spoke at Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon, on April 20, 2011. His talk was sponsored by the English Department and the College of Arts and Sciences of Pacific University.
Related Links:
The Noam Chomsky website
Dr. Michael Huntington, Dr. Paul Hochfeld & Dr. Margaret Flowers, Talking Healthcare: Conversations and Arguments About Single Payer, January 29, 2011
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Dr. Margaret Flowers, Dr. Paul Hochfeld and Dr. Michael Huntington of Physicians for a National Health Plan talk about how to talk about single payer healthcare. This presentation was part of the Single Payer Healthcare Conference that took place in Portland, Oregon, on January 29, 2011.
Related Links:
Physicians for a National Health Plan
Healthcare Now!
Mad as Hell Doctors
Oregon Single Payer Campaign
Congressman John Conyers, Jr., The National Single Payer Campaign, January 29, 2011
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Congressman John Conyers, Jr., of Michigan’s 14th District, delivers the keynote address at the National Single Payer Conference held in Portland, Oregon, on January 29, 2011.
Related Links:
Physicians for a National Health Plan
Healthcare Now!
Mad as Hell Doctors
Oregon Single Payer Campaign
Dr. Margaret Flowers, Lessons from the National Single Payer Campaign, January 29, 2011
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Single payer campaigner, Dr. Margaret Flowers, provides the basics for a single payer health care system for the United States.
Dr. Margaret Flowers is a Maryland pediatrician. In 2006 she left her practice to devote full time to organizing for a universal, comprehensive, quality healthcare system in the United States.
Related Links:
Physicians for a National Health Plan
Healthcare Now!
Mad as Hell Doctors
Oregon Single Payer Campaign
Reese Erlich , Conversations with Terrorists: Middle East Leaders on Politics, Violence, and Empire, January 28, 2011
NOW AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube home for videos …
Journalist and author, Reese Erlich, talks about his latest book, Conversations with Terrorists: Middle East Leaders on Politics, Violence, and Empire. Reese Erlich spoke at Portland State University in downtown Portland, Oregon, on January 28, 2011.
Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, I Shall Not Hate: A Gaza Doctor’s Journey on the Road to Peace and Human Dignity, January 18, 2011
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Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish’s three daughters, Bessan, Mayar and Aya, and his neice, Nur, were killed by an Israeli tank shell which struck their home in Gaza on January 16, 2009. Dr. Abuelaish talks about his experience, his work and his book, I Shall Not Hate: A Gaza Doctor’s Journey on the Road to Peace and Human Dignity. Dr. Abuelaish spoke at Powell’s City of Books in Portland, Oregon, on January 18, 2011.
Related Links:
Daughters for Life website
I Shall Not Hate: A Gaza Doctor’s Journey on the Road to Peace and Human Dignity, by Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish.
Stan Karp, Not Waiting for Superman: Who’s Bashing Teachers and Public Schools, and What We Can Do About It, Dec. 10, 2010
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Responding to the documentary, Waiting for Superman, Rethinking School‘s author and education activist, Stan Karp, looks at the interests driving the conservative, so-called “education reform” movement.
Stan Karp taught English and Journalism in Paterson, New Jersey, for 30 years. He has written widely on school reform for Education Week, Educational Leadership, and other publications, and he is a co-editor of several books, including Rethinking Our Classrooms: Teaching for Equity and Justice, and Rethinking School Reform: Views from the Classroom. Stan Karp coordinates the notwaitingforsuperman.org website for Rethinking Schools. He is director of the the Secondary Reform Project for New Jersey’s Education Law Center. Stan Karp spoke at Jefferson High School in Portland, Oregon, on December 10, 2010.
Related Links:
Rethinking Schools’ “Not Waiting for Superman” website
Wendell Potter, Deadly Spin: An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out On How Corporate PR Is Killing Health Care and Deceiving Americans, Dec. 7, 2010
10 minutes of this lecture is AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube home for videos … (The full video is no longer available on Vimeo – pdxjustice Media Productions will try to make this available soon.)

Former Vice President of Corporate Communications for CIGNA, Wendell Potter, talks about his new book, Deadly Spin: An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out On How Corporate PR Is Killing Health Care and Deceiving Americans. Wendell Potter spoke at Powell’s City of Books in Portland, Oregon, on December 7, 2010.
Related Links:
Wendell Potter’s website
Deadly Spin: An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out on How Corporate PR Is Killing Health Care and Deceiving Americans, by Wendell Potter.
Dave Zirin, Bad Sports: How Owners Are Ruining the Games We Love, October 18, 2010
10 minutes of this lecture is AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube home for videos … (The full video is no longer available on Vimeo – pdxjustice Media Productions will try to make this available soon.)

Sports writer, columnist and author, Dave Zirin, talks about his latest book, Bad Sports: How Owners Are Ruining the Games We Love. Dave Zirin spoke at Powell’s City of Books in Portland, Oregon, on October 18, 2010.
Related Links:
Edge of Sports homepage
Nada Elia, Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions: Because We Refuse to Be Complicit, October 3, 2010
10 minutes of this lecture is AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube home for videos … (The full video is no longer available on Vimeo – pdxjustice Media Productions will try to make this available soon.)
Professor of Global and Gender Studies, Nada Elia, talks about the Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions campaign, focusing on the cultural and academic boycott of Israeli institutions. Professor Elia’s talk was the keynote address at a BDS Forum held in Portland, Oregon, on October 3, 2010.
Related Links:
U.S. Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
Robert Scheer, The Great American Stickup: How Reagan Republicans and Clinton Democrats Enriched Wall Street While Mugging Main Street, October 22, 2010
10 minutes of this lecture is AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube home for videos … (The full video is no longer available on Vimeo – pdxjustice Media Productions will try to make this available soon.)
Journalist and author, Robert Scheer, talks about his latest book, The Great American Stickup: How Reagan Republicans and Clinton Democrats Enriched Wall Street While Mugging Main Street. Robert Scheer spoke at Powell’s City of Books in Portland, Oregon, on October 22, 2010.
Related Links:
Truthdig online magazine
Brian Greer (aka Virgilius), Clues to Social Justice, May 16, 2010
10 minutes of this lecture is AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube home for videos … (The full video is no longer available on Vimeo – pdxjustice Media Productions will try to make this available soon.)
Crossword setter, educational author and activist, Brian Greer, talks about crosswords, mathematics education and social responsibility.
Related Links:
The Independent (UK) Crosswords online page.
Ralph Nader, Obama So Far … New Strategies for Progressives, May 8, 2010
10 minutes of this lecture is AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube home for videos … (The full video is no longer available on Vimeo – pdxjustice Media Productions will try to make this available soon.)

Consumer advocate, former presidential candidate and author, Ralph Nader, provides an assessment of the Obama administration’s first sixteen months in office, and suggests new ways for progressives to succeed in electoral politics. Ralph Nader spoke at a benefit for the Oregon Progressive Party.
Related Links:
Ralph Nader’s website
Vivek Chibber, Stephen Shalom, Michael Schwartz, Imperial Agenda: from Bush to Obama – Panel discussion from the 2010 Left Forum, March 21, 2010
10 minutes of this lecture is AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube home for videos … (The full video is no longer available on Vimeo – pdxjustice Media Productions will try to make this available soon.)
New York University Professor of Sociology, Vivek Chibber, Professor of Political Science at William Paterson University, Stephen Shalom, and Professor of Sociology at State University of New York at Stony Brook, Michael Schwartz, discuss the continuities of US foreign policy from the Bush to the Obama administrations, emphasizing Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine-Israel. The panel took place at the 2010 Left Forum held on the Pace University campus in Manhattan, New York, March 19-21, 2010.
Related Links:
The Left Forum
Zachary Lockman, A Brief History of Zionism, March 17, 2010
10 minutes of this lecture is AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube home for videos … (The full video is no longer available on Vimeo – pdxjustice Media Productions will try to make this available soon.)
Professor of Middle Eastern Studies and History, Zachary Lockman, provides an overview of the origins, development, and varying trends of Zionism. Zachary Lockman is chair of the Department of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies at New York University. He is author of Comrades and Enemies: Arab and Jewish Workers in Palestine, 1906-1948 and Contending Visions of the Middle East: The History and Politics of Orientalism. He spoke in his office on the campus of New York University on March 17th, 2010.
Christy Thornton, Joseph Nevins, Suzanna Reiss, Mark Weisbrot, NACLA – Obama’s Militarized Status Quo in Latin America – Panel discussion from the 2010 Left Forum, March 20, 2010
10 minutes of this lecture is AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube home for videos … (The full video is no longer available on Vimeo – pdxjustice Media Productions will try to make this available soon.)
Panel discussion organized by the North American Congress on Latin America featuring Christy Thornton, Mark Weisbrot, Suzanna Reiss and Joseph Nevins. The panel took place at the 2010 Left Forum held on the Pace University campus in Manhattan, New York, March 19-21, 2010.
Related Links:
The North American Congress on Latin America
The Left Forum
Noam Chomsky, Arundhati Roy, Brian Jones, Frances Fox Piven, The Center Cannot Hold: Rekindling the Radical Imagination – The final plenary session from the 2010 Left Forum, in honor of historian, playwright, and activist, Howard Zinn, March 21, 2010
10 minutes of this lecture is AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube home for videos … (The full video is no longer available on Vimeo – pdxjustice Media Productions will try to make this available soon.)
The final plenary at the 2010 Left Forum conference in New York features Frances Fox Piven, Brian Jones, Arundhati Roy and Noam Chomsky. The presentation begins with a memorial for the beloved historian, Howard Zinn, and proceeds to the theme of the 2010 conference: The Center Cannot Hold – Rekindling the Radical Imagination.
Related Links:
The Left Forum
Ali Abunimah, Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions: Strategies for a Just Peace in Palestine-Israel, March 5, 2010
10 minutes of this lecture is AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube home for videos … (The full video is no longer available on Vimeo – pdxjustice Media Productions will try to make this available soon.)

Co-founder of the Electronic Intifada, Ali Abunimah, talks about the prospects for a just resolution to the conflict in Palestine-Israel, the debate over one-state or two-state solutions, and the Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions campaign to bring an end to the illegal Israeli occupation in the West Bank and the blockade of Gaza. Ali Abunimah spoke in Portland, Oregon, on March 5th, 2010.
Related Links:
The Electronic Intifada
Raj Patel, The Value of Nothing: How to Reshape Market Society and Redefine Democracy, January 19, 2010
NOW AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the Vimeo home for videos …
Author, academic and activist, Raj Patel, talks about his latest book, The Value of Nothing: How to Reshape Market Society and Redefine Democracy. Raj Patel spoke at Powell’s City of Books in Portland, Oregon, on January 19, 2010.
Joe Sacco, Footnotes in Gaza: The Early Years of Gaza After Israel’s Independence, January 12, 2010
10 minutes of this lecture is AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube home for videos … (The full video is no longer available on Vimeo – pdxjustice Media Productions will try to make this available soon.)
Award-winning journalist and cartoonist, Joe Sacco, talks about his latest book, Footnotes in Gaza.
Robert W. McChesney & John Nichols, The Death and Life of American Journalism: The Media Revolution That Will Begin the World Again, January 20, 2010
10 minutes of this lecture is AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube home for videos … (The full video is no longer available on Vimeo – pdxjustice Media Productions will try to make this available soon.)
Media scholar and author, Robert McChesney, and editor and author, John Nichols, talk about their latest book, The Death and Life of American Journalism: The Media Revolution That Will Begin the World Again.
Related Links:
Free Press – reform media, transform democracy.
Ursula K. Le Guin and Margaret Killjoy, Mythmakers & Lawbreakers: Anarchist Writers On Fiction, January 18, 2010
10 minutes of this lecture is AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube home for videos … (The full video is no longer available on Vimeo – pdxjustice Media Productions will try to make this available soon.)
Award-winning author, Ursular K. Le Guin, and author and editor, Margaret Killjoy, discuss the new book, Mythmakers & Lawbreakers: Anarchist Writers On Fiction.
John Bellamy Foster, The Crisis of Capital: Economy, Ecology and Empire, October 2, 2009
10 minutes of this lecture is AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube home for videos … (The full video is no longer available on Vimeo – pdxjustice Media Productions will try to make this available soon.)

Professor of sociology and editor of Monthly Review, John Bellamy Foster, talks about the triple crises facing the people of the United State today in the economy, the environment, and in the imperial wars and occupations in Iraq, Afghanistan and beyond.
Ala Jaradat, Administrative Detention: Israel’s Palestinian Political Prisoners, November 20, 2009:
Click on the image below and you’ll be transported to the Vimeo webpage for this program …

Human rights activist and former political prisoner, Ala Jaradat, talks about the Addameer International Campaign to End Administrative Detention.
Related Links:
ADDAMEER Prisoners’ Support and Human Rights Association
Rana Husseini – Murder in the Name of Honor: The True Story of One Woman’s Heroic Fight Against an Unbelievable Crime., November 2, 2009
Click on the image below and you’ll be transported to the Vimeo webpage for this program …

Journalist and author, Rana Husseini, talks about her new book, Murder in the Name of Honor: The True Story of One Woman’s Heroic Fight Against an Unbelievable Crime..
Related Links:
Rana Husseini’s webpage
Max Blumenthal – Republican Gomorrah: Inside the Movement that Shattered the Party, September 28, 2009
Click on the image below and you’ll be transported to the Vimeo webpage for this program …

Journalist and author, Max Blumenthal, talks about his new book, Republican Gomorrah: Inside the Movement that Shattered the Party..
Related Links:
Max Blumenthal’s Twitter feed
Barbara Ehrenreich – Bright-Sided: How the Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking Has Undermined America, October 22, 2009
10 minutes of this lecture is AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube home for videos … (The full video is no longer available on Vimeo – pdxjustice Media Productions will try to make this available soon.)

Essayist and author, Barbara Ehrenreich, talks about her latest book, Bright-Sided: How the Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking Has Damaged America.
Related Links:
Barbara Ehrenreich’s webpage
Noam Chomsky – When Elites Fail, and What We Should Do About It, October 2, 2009
Click on the image below and you’ll be transported to the Vimeo webpage for this program …

Noam Chomsky, world-renowned linguist and dissident author, presents the keynote address at the Econvergence Conference in Portland, Oregon, on October 2, 2009.
Related Links:
The Noam Chomsky website.
Noam Chomsky – Crisis and Hope in the Age of Obama, October 4, 2009
Click on the image below and you’ll be transported to the Vimeo webpage for this program …

MIT Professor Emeritus, linguist, author and lecturer, Noam Chomsky, provides the keynote address for “Crisis and Hope in the Age of Obama”, a special program at the First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco, on Sunday, October 4, 2009. The program also features community organizer and author, Steve Williams, policy analyst and author, Antonia Juhasz, and labor journalist, David Bacon.
Related Links:
First Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco.
David Bacon’s website.
Antonia Juhasz’ website.
The Noam Chomsky website.
Antonia Juhasz – What You Can Do To Prevent the Escalation of the US War and Occupation in Afghanistan, October 4, 2009
Independent scholar, author and activist, Antonia Juhasz, talks about how this week offers a unique opportunity for people in the United States to influence the Obama Administration’s decision on whether to escalate the US war and occupation in Afghanistan. Antonia Juhasz spoke at the First Unitarian Universalist Society in San Francisco, Californian, on October 4, 2009. The event, titled “CRISIS AND HOPE IN THE AGE OF OBAMA”, also featured Noam Chomsky, Steve Williams and David Bacon.
Stephen Zunes – The United States, the Peace Movement, and Conflict in the Middle East, November 1, 2002
10 minutes of this lecture is AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube home for videos … (The full video is no longer available on Vimeo – pdxjustice Media Productions will try to make this available soon.)

Middle East scholar and author, Stephen Zunes, talks about US policy towards the Middle East, and about his book, Tinderbox: US Middle East Policy and the Roots of Terrorism.
Steve Early – Embedded with Organized Labor: Journalistic Reflections on the Class War at Home, July 30, 2009
10 minutes of this lecture is AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube home for videos … (The full video is no longer available on Vimeo – pdxjustice Media Productions will try to make this available soon.)
Labor reporter and lawyer, Steve Early, talks about current struggles for working people in the US, and about his new book, Embedded with Organized Labor: Journalistic Reflections on the Class War at Home.
Howard Dean – Howard Dean’s Prescription for Real Healthcare Reform: How We Can Achieve Affordable Medical Care for Every American and Make Our Jobs Safer, July 24, 2009
Click on the image below and you’ll be transported to the Vimeo webpage for this program …
Physician and former Governor of Vermont, Howard Dean, talks about the fight for healthcare reform and his new book, co-authored with Igor Volsky and Shakir Faiz, Howard Dean’s Prescription for Real Healthcare Reform: How We Can Achieve Affordable Medical Care for Every American and Make Our Jobs Safer.
The Al-Andalus Ensemble – A Concert on the Occasion of a Presentation by Rev. Naim Ateek, July 16, 2009
10 minutes of this lecture is AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube home for videos … (The full video is no longer available on Vimeo – pdxjustice Media Productions will try to make this available soon.)
The Al-Andalus Ensemble is a contemporary Andalusian musical ensemble whose core members are the husband and wife team of Tarik and Julia Banzi. They combine the music of Spanish flamenco, Medieval Spanish cantigas, classical Andalusian melodies, Ladino (Jewish-Spanish) melodies, Arabic rhythms, and vocals in Spanish and Arabic to create the musical style they call “contemporary Andalusian”. The ensemble played a twenty-minute concert to introduce the evening program featuring Rev. Naim Ateek on July 16, 2009.
Rev. Naim Ateek – A Palestinian Christian Cry for Reconciliation, July 16, 2009
10 minutes of this lecture is AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube home for videos … (The full video is no longer available on Vimeo – pdxjustice Media Productions will try to make this available soon.)
Rev. Naim Ateek, founder of Sabeel, the Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center in Jerusalem, talks about his new book, A Palestinian Christian Cry for Reconciliation.
Related Links:
Sabeel website.
Les Leopold – The Looting of America: How Wall Street’s Game of Fantasy Finance Destroyed Our Jobs, Pensions, and Prosperity – and What We Can Do About It, July 10, 2009
10 minutes of this lecture is AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube home for videos … (The full video is no longer available – pdxjustice Media Productions will try to make this available soon.)
Columnist and author, Les Leopold, talks about his new book, The Looting of America: How Wall Street’s Game of Fantasy Finance Destroyed Our Jobs, Pensions, and Prosperity – and What We Can Do About It.
Andrew J. Bacevich – Coming Home from Helmand: The Dangerous Path of President Obama’s Escalation in Afghanistan, June 2, 2009
10 minutes of this lecture is AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube home for videos … (The full video is no longer available – pdxjustice Media Productions will try to make this available soon.)
Professor of History and International Relations, Andrew J. Bacevich, talks about a recent article and his most recent book, The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism.
Kirstin Downey – The Woman Behind the New Deal: The Life of Frances Perkins, FDR’S Secretary of Labor and His Moral Conscience, May 18, 2009
10 minutes of this lecture is AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube home for videos … (The full video is no longer available – pdxjustice Media Productions will try to make this available soon.)
Journalist and author, Kirstin Downey, talks about her book,The Woman Behind the New Deal: The Life of Frances Perkins, FDR’S Secretary of Labor and His Moral Conscience.
Frank Krasnowsky – Yiddish Language and Song: A Culture of Jewish Liberation in Collision with Zionism and the Birth of Israel, February 16, 2008
AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube Video server …
Interview with Yiddish culture archivist, Frank Krasnowsky.
Yiddish Culture weblinks:
Yiddish Book Center
Andrei Codrescu – The Posthuman DADA Guide: Tzara and Lenin Play Chess, April 30, 2009
10 minutes of this lecture is AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube home for videos … (The full video is no longer available – pdxjustice Media Productions will try to make this available soon.)
Poet, essayist and novelist, Andrei Codrescu, talks about his latest book, The Posthuman DADA Guide: Tzara and Lenin Play Chess.
Related Links:
Andrei Codrescu’s website.
Michelle Goldberg – The Means of Reproduction: Sex, Power and the Future of the World, April 26, 2009
10 minutes of this lecture is AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube home for videos … (The full video is no longer available – pdxjustice Media Productions will try to make this available soon.)
Investigative journalist and author, Michelle Goldberg, talking about her latest book, The Means of Reproduction: Sex, Power and the Future of the World.
Related Links:
Michelle Goldberg’s website.
Evalyn Gates – Einstein’s Telescope: The Search for Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe, April 19, 2009
10 minutes of this lecture is AVAILABLE AS STREAMING VIDEO >>> Click the image of the viewer below and you’ll be transported to the YouTube home for videos … (The full video is no longer available – pdxjustice Media Productions will try to make this available soon.)

Associate researcher and author, Evalyn Gates, talking about her book, Einstein’s Telescope: The Search for Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe.
Greg Palast, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, April 5, 2003
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Progressive investigative journalist, Greg Palast, speaking at a benefit for Community Radio KBOO, the Portland Alliance and the Rearguard in Portland, Oregon, on April 5, 2003.
Related Links:
Greg Palast’s website.
William Kleinknecht, The Man Who Sold the World: Ronald Reagan and the Betrayal of Main Street America, February 11, 2009
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Journalist and author, William Kleinknecht, talks about his book, The Man Who Sold the World: Ronald Reagan and the Betrayal of Main Street America.
Paul Roberts, The End of Food, February 27, 2009
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Journalist and author, Paul Roberts, talks about the commercial food industry and the need for a broader systemic approach for confronting the global food challenges facing the world today. Roberts spoke at the Organicology Conference in Portland, Oregon, on February 27, 2009.
Related Links:
Paul Robert’s website
Vandana Shiva, The Future of Food and Seed: Justice, Sustainability and Peace in the 21st Century, February 28, 2009
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Physicist, ecologist, feminist and author, Vandana Shiva, delivers a keynote address at the Organicology Conference in Portland, Oregon, on February 28, 2009.
Related Links:
Navdanya website
Robert W. McChesney, The Life or Death Struggle for Journalism and Self-Government, February 26, 2009
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Media critic and historian, Robert McChesney, talks about the essential role of journalism for meaningful democracy, and puts forward a radical proposal to address the challenges faced my news media in the current economic crisis, and into the future.
Related Links:
Free Press – reform media, transform democracy.
Pratap Chatterjee, Halliburton’s Army: How a Well-Connected Texas Oil Company Revolutionized the Way America Makes War, February 18, 2009
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Investigative journalist and author, Pratap Chatterjee, talks about his latest book, Halliburton’s Army: How a Well-Connected Texas Oil Company Revolutionized the Way America Makes War.
Related Links:
CorpWatch – Holding Corporations Accountable
Shachaf Polakow, Anarchists Against the Wall: Solidarity, Resistance, Direct Action, February 12, 2009
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Israeli photographer and activist, Shachaf Polakow, provides photos and vivid descriptions of the work of Anarchists Against the Wall, an Israeli organization working in solidarity with Palestinians to oppose the Apartheid Separation Wall and to bring an end to the Israeli occupation.
Related Links:
Anarchists Against the Wall Facebook page
David Bacon, ILLEGAL PEOPLE: How Globalization Creates Migration and Criminalizes Immigrants, January 30, 2009
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Journalist, photographer and author, David Bacon, talks about his latest book, ILLEGAL PEOPLE: How Globalization Creates Migration and Criminalizes Immigrants at the University of Portland campus in Portland, Oregon.
Related Links:
Portland Central American Solidarity Committee (PCASC)
The Moreau Center
Lew Daly, Unjust Deserts: How The Rich Are Taking Our Common Inheritance and Why We Should Take It Back, January 23, 2009
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Independent scholar and author, Lew Daly, talks about his latest book, co-authored with Gar Alperovitz, How The Rich Are Taking Our Common Inheritance and Why We Should Take It Back at Powell’s City of Books in Portland, Oregon.
FROM THE ARCHIVE: Ned Hanauer, The Search for Justice and Equality in Palestine/Israel, April 13, 2004
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Founder of SEARCH, and life-long peace and human rights activist, Ned Hanauer, talks about the work to bring a just peace to the Palestine/Israel conflict.
Related Links:
B’Tselem, The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories.
Steve Fainaru, Big Boy Rules: America’s Mercenaries Fighting in Iraq, December 8, 2008
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Pulitzer Prize winner, Steve Fainaru, talking about his latest book, Big Boy Rules: America’s Mercenaries Fighting in Iraq at Powell’s City of Books in Portland, Oregon.
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Part 1
Part 2 (Q&A)
Independent scholar and author, Norman Finkelstein, discusses the declining interest in and support for the state of Israel among Jews living in the United States.
Related Links:
Norman Finkelstein’s website
Recorded December 28, 2006, in Nazareth Israel.
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Jonathan Cook is a British journalist based in Nazareth, Israel. He has regularly published articles on the Middle East in international newspapers, English-language Arab publications and specialist magazines since 2001. Please visit the website listed below for an archive of his work.
Related links:
Jonathan Cook’s news archive
Father Roy Bourgeois, Shut Down the School of the Americas!, September 15, 2008
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Founder of the School of the Americas Watch, Father Roy Bourgeois, talks about the struggle to shut down the School of the Assassins, the military training base at Ft. Benning, Georgia.
Related Links:
School of the Americas Watch.
Paul Krugman, The Conscience of a Liberal, November 3, 2007
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New York Times columnist and winner of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Economics, Paul Krugman, talks about his latest book, The Conscience of a Liberal.
Paul Krugman’s weblinks:
Paul Krugman’s Twitter feed
Paul Krugman’s New York Times Columns
FROM THE ARCHIVE (May 5, 2003): Rabbi Arik Ascherman – Rabbis for Human Rights
Rabbi Arik Ascherman, Rabbis for Human Rights, May 5, 2003
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Executive Director of Rabbis for Human Rights, Rabbi Arik Ascherman, talks about the work for peace and justice in Israel and the Occupied Territories.
Related Links:
Rabbis for Human Rights.
B’Tselem, The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories.
George Bisharat – Ending the Palestinian Nakba: Commemorating Sixty Years of Palestinian Dispossession, May 31, 2008
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Dr. George Bisharat, University of California Hastings College of Law Professor and former legal consultant to the Palestinian Authority, calls for one secular democratic state for Palestinian Arabs and Israeli Jews as a durable solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. Dr. Bisharat offers his legal perspective on how Israel may continue to be a home for the Jewish people when the Palestinian right of return is implemented. The lecture was part of a half-day program sponsored by Americans United for Palestinian Human Rights of Portland, Oregon, to commemorate the Palestinian dispossession and expulsion from what became Israel in 1948.
Related Links:
George Bisharat’s website
Palestinian Lawyers and Israeli Rule: Law and Disorder in the West Bank (Hardcover), by George Bisharat
Badil, Badil Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights.
Jeremy Scahill, Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army, – June 15, 2008
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Journalist and author, Jeremy Scahill, talks about his book, Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army, during a book tour marking the release of the newly revised second edition.
Related Links:
The Intercept, the award-winning news organization dedicated to holding the powerful accountable through fearless, adversarial journalism.
Intercepted, Jeremy Scahill’s Podcast
Antonia Juhasz, The Tyranny of Oil: The World’s Most Powerful Industry – and What We Must Do to Stop It – 1 hr 1 min, October 27, 2008
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Author and journalist, Antonia Juhasz, talks about her latest book, The Tyranny of Oil: The Tyranny of Oil: The World’s Most Powerful Industry – and What We Must Do to Stop It.
Related Links:
Antonia Juhasz’ website
Antonia Juhasz’ Twitter feed
Chris Hedges, Collateral Damage: America’s War Against Iraqi Civilians, June 27, 2008
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War correspondent and author, Chris Hedges, talks about his latest book, co-authored with Laila Al-Arian, Collateral Damage: America’s War Against Iraqi Civilians.
Related Links:
Chris Hedges’s Truthdig columnist’s webpage
Chris Hedges’s Twitter feed
Chris Hedges’s RT page
“Voices from the Archive” lecture
Noam Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media – Part 1 & Part 2, March 15, 1989
– Recorded at the Wisconsin Union Theater on the University of Wisconsin campus in Madison, Wisconsin.
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Part 1
Part 2
Noam Chomsky provides an in-depth discussion of the “propaganda model”, as developed in the book, co-authored with Edward Herman, Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media.
Sponsoring organizations:
The Wisconsin Union Directorate
Worthwhile Films
Art Industry
pdxjustice Media Productions
Associated organizations:
Noam Chomsky’s official website
Rashid Khalidi, 40 Years of Occupation, 60 Years of Dispossession, June 23, 2007
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Columbia University Edward Said Professor of Arab Studies, Rashid Khalidi’s keynote address at the “Palestine: 40 Years of Occupation, 60 Years of Dispossession” conference in Portland, Oregon, on June 23, 2007.
Related Links:
Professor Khalidi’s webpage
Kevin Phillips, Bad Money: Reckless Finance, Failed Politics, and the Global Crisis of American Capitalism, – April 28, 2008
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Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine – The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, December 7, 2007
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Author and journalist, Naomi Klein, talks about her bestselling, revolutionary book, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. Contact: pdxjustice@riseup.net
Naomi Klein’s weblinks:
Naomi Klein’s webpage
The Shock Doctrine, a short film by Alfonso Cuarón and Naomi Klein, directed by Jonás Cuarón
Phyllis Bennis, The Presidential Elections and the Future of the Middle East – 57 min, October 17, 2008
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Author and journalist, Phyllis Bennis, delivers the keynote address for the Peace Works 2008 conference in Olympia, Washington. The Peace Works 2008 Conference was convened by the Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice the weekend of October 17-19, 2008.
Related Links:
The Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice, an organization based on the ambitions and hopes of Rachel Corrie.
The Transnational Institute: a worldwide fellowship of committed scholar-activists.
The Institute for Policy Studies
Jeff Halper, From Apartheid to Warehousing: Israel’s Strategies of Dispossession and Control – 2 hr 10 min, October 11th, 2008
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Executive Director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, Jeff Halper, talks about recent transitions in Israeli policy towards the Palestinian people, and about why Israeli governments, from Begin to Sharon, have always been able to rely on US support.
Related Links:
Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions webpage
Frances Moore Lappé, Liberation Ecology: Toward an Empowering Frame to Move from Crisis to Transformation, October 2nd, 2008
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Democracy advocate and world food and hunger expert, Frances Moore Lappé, provides the keynote address for the annual Provender Alliance Conference in Hood River, Oregon.
Related Links:
The Small Planet Institute: The online home of Anna Lappé, Frances Moore Lappé and the Small Planet Institute
The Institute for Food and Development Policy/Food First!
Provender Alliance: An organization providing networking, outreach, and education to natural foods and related companies doing business in the Northwest.
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Sociologist and philosopher, Slavoj Žižek, discusses politeness and civility in the function of contemporary ideology. Dr. Žižek spoke at Powell’s City of Books in Portland, Oregon, as part of the tour for his latest book, Violence.
Thomas Frank, The Wrecking Crew: How Conservatives Rule, August 14th, 2008
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Author, columnist and journalist, Thomas Frank, talks about his latest book, The Wrecking Crew: How Conservatives Rule.
Related Links:
Thomas Frank’s webpage
Barbara Ehrenreich, This Land is Their Land: Reports From a Divided Nation., July 16, 2008
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Author and journalist, Barbara Ehrenreich, talks about her latest book, This Land is Their Land: Reports From a Divided Nation
Related Links:
Barbara Ehrenreich’s webpage
This Land Is Their Land: Reports from a Divided Nation, by Barbara Ehrenreich
Bright-Sided: How the Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking Has Undermined America, by Barbara Ehrenreich
Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America, by Barbara Ehrenreich
Bait and Switch: The (Futile) Pursuit of the American Dream, by Barbara Ehrenreich
Global Woman: Nannies, Maids, and Sex Workers in the New Economy, by Barbara Ehrenreich and Arlie Hochschild
Blood Rites: Origins and History of the Passions of War, by Barbara Ehrenreich
Dancing in the Streets: A History of Collective Joy, by Barbara Ehrenreich
Fear of Falling: The Inner Life of the Middle Class, by Barbara Ehrenreich
The Hearts of Men: American Dreams and the Flight from Commitment, by Barbara Ehrenreich
… and many, many others!
SPECIAL EDITION >> P. Sainath – Globalizing Inequality << SPECIAL EDITION
Recorded February 25th, 2005, in Vancouver, Washington.
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The award-winning development reporter and photojournalist, Palagummi Sainath, is India’s foremost chronicler of the impact of Globalization on the country’s rural populations.
Described by the Nobel Prize-winner, Amartya Sen as “one of the world’s greatest experts on famine and hunger,” P. Sainath has worked tirelessly to expose the devastation inflicted on rural farmers and the broader population by the so-called neo-liberal economic reforms. He is author of the best seller, Everybody Loves a Good Drought: Stories from India’s Poorest Districts, a book credited with significant impact on drought management, medical and development programs in rural India. He is currently working as the rural affairs editor of The Hindu.
This SPECIAL EDITION program includes the complete unedited lecture and the entire question and answer session. The lecture was delivered at the Washington State University campus in Vancouver, Washington. The lecture was sponsored by the Center for Social and Environmental Justice of Washington State University.